Back to Benchmarks!
We’re taken a few weeks off from Benchmark Mondays to complete the 2012 CrossFit Games Open WODs, but it is now time to get back to business. We’re going to have a slightly different schedule of workouts this time through. Fran is our first benchmark on the list, but she will be thrown in the middle of this cycle due to the “Fran Ladder” we did two weeks ago. In the meantime, get ready to come in and lift something heavy. We’ll start with CrossFit total this monday. The schedule for the next few weeks will be as follows:
4/9: CFT
4/16: Filthy 50
4/23: Angie
4/30: Karen
Monday’s Benchmark WOD:
CrossFit Total
Athletes have three consecutive attempts to complete their highest 1 rep attempt at the following three lifts:
Back Squat
*To count as Rx, athlete must squat below parallel (hip crease below top of knee) and Deadlift must be pulled conventional (no sumo)
Compare to:
2012 04 08