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Back Squats & Partner WOD

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After Tuesday’s Memorial WOD and coming back from the CrossFit Games and then going into today’s Partner WOD, I’m struck by most likely the top reason you and I do CrossFit and why we do it at Wine Country CrossFit together. Reason #1: Community. We all have goals and aspirations about our fitness level and we all are pursuing those goals taking different paths. But we are taking those different paths together, if you get my meaning. As a community of like-minded individuals, we are there for the triumphs and we are there to support one another, and we are there to carry each other on our backs if we have to. Sometimes it’s a rally call on the Facebook page, sometimes it’s a private text between two people (or more) who want to go to the same workout and are checking to make sure that the other is going. However we choose to connect the end result is the same-the feeling that you belong to something great and that everyone in the room is grateful for your camaraderie. Interestingly enough, researchers have also found that “people with strong social connections have less stress-related health problems, lower risk of mental illness, and faster recovery from trauma or illness. Friends and family can also encourage and support us in healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercise and moderation.” In fact, statistically speaking, the happiest people in the world are reportedly those who engage with people—face-to-face human contact upwards of 6-7 hours per day, according to a Gallup-Healthways Happiness report. ¹

Partner WOD


Wednesday’s WOD

Back Squats

Add 5# to your previous work load

Abs of Steel:

complete 100 partner wall ball sit ups. 20/14

Partner WOD

While one partner rows or skis or pedals the airdyne, the other does a heavy farmer carry to Lincoln with two Kettlebells. (53/73)

Each time Kettlebells touch the ground you must complete 10 squats and 2 deadlifts.

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