Social Updates, Message Board and Back Squats
Social Calendar Updates and WCCF Message Board Items
In keeping with my Tuesday post from last week, I wanted to remind you all of a few upcoming Social Club events:
- Join the Napa Valley Paleo Group on Facebook! It’s a really great way of putting into practice my favorite saying – “None of us is smarter than all of us.” Let’s put our heads together and help make Napa a paragon of Paleo Living!
- Save the date: August 17 – Red Wine and Carnage hosted by our very own Jason Moore! Click here for details and remember to wait until we have the discount code before you sign up!
- 8 am Class Regulars Katie and Veronica are heading up a team to run the Valley of the Moon Vintage Festival 12K on Sunday morning, September 29 in Sonoma. Remember to email Katie if you sign up!
In addition, we have a member who is missing a piece of jewelry that was misplaced at the gym a few weeks ago.
- Ann Menegon is missing a necklace that she took off so that she could kick butt in a WOD! The necklace is a gold chain with two gold disks, one with an “A” on it and the other with an “M” on it. If you’ve seen the item and/or picked it up for safekeeping, please let a coach know so that we can return it to Ann!
That is all for this Tuesday’s Social Calendar and Message Board! Don’t forget to send me any relevant and appropriate item you’d like us to include in our weekly blog!
Tuesday’s WOD
High Bar Back Squat – Warm up to 70% of 1 RM (see 6/12, 6/6, 5/31 – if no 1 RM, warm up to a heavy set of 6)
Perform 4 Sets of 6 Reps @ 70% of 1 RM (rest 2 min between sets)
WOD: 12-9-6-3
Thrusters (135/95)
Burpee Box Jumps
2013 07 22