=========================================================== Friday's WOD Press 1,1,1,1, Push Press 3,3,3,3 Push Jerk 5,5,5,5 Drop your weight no more than 10% between movements
September 15, 1.30-2.30 PM we will have the coolest sprint clinic you have ever attended with visiting Coach Johnno Lazetich. Former Kansas State football player with many accolades to his name, Coach Lax will deliver a one hour clinic on how to use physics to build speed and explosiveness. We'll…
We've been posting recently about over training, and I hear from the peanut gallery that many of you see yourselves reflected in those recent posts. Here is another one, complements of Eric Javar, on how to avoid injury with CrossFit. Here's the caveat: If you do what we suggest, at…
Battle of the Rattle is the Funnest 5K I've ever run, and I have run a lot of' 'em! This race starts at the bottom of Rattle Snake Mountain in Reno, NV at 10AM on Saturday September 29, and goes straight up the skree-slope hillside. People fall like flies all…
Angie For time: 100 Pull Ups 100 Push Ups 100 Sit Ups 100 Air Squats To be completed as Rx the WOD must be completed top to bottom. All Pull Ups before push ups etc. Compare to: 11/15/10 3/14/11 7/18/11 11/14/11 4/23/12 Beth
================================ Thursday's WOD: Hang squat snatches - work on complete opening of the hips and speed under the bar - remember the snatch drops from last week. - Find 1rm Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes: 2 Power snatches 10 Double Unders
=============================== Wednesday's WOD: 5x max effort HSPU alternated with 5x max effort strict pull ups (if you have more than 10 strict pull ups, make these strict chest to bar) 10 rounds Sprint to telephone pole 8 KB Swings (70/44) rest :30 between rounds