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Annie and Double-Under Skilz

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They just LOOK at you. WAITING for you to mess up. All it takes is a loose shoelace or errant ponytail, and BAM! There go your double unders!!!! How in the name of heaven will you ever get better at them????

First of all, it does take practice. If you don’t practice, you probably won’t get better at them (same thing goes for your [insert goat here] that you keep wishing you could do better).

Second, Double-Unders take a lot of coordination to master. It’s like rubbing your head and patting your belly. If you can’t jump high and spin the rope fast at the same time, then you’re doomed.

Your coaches will already have told you the key points: master the high-jump single to achieve the effortless rhythm you need, and flick the rope using your wrists double-time as the rope just about to go underneath you. Still not getting them?

Do you have 10 minutes? 5 minutes? Either way, this article from Tabata Times lays it out for you. Watch it. Try it. See if it helps with Annie!



Monday’s WOD

Double Unders
Sit Ups

*Sub 4x singles, or 1x HIGH JUMP SINGLES as needed for the Double Unders
*Rx’d Situps are with Ab Mat, no anchoring of feet
*Scale Up to GHD Situps ONLY if athlete does 30+ on a daily basis

Cash-Out – Run or Row 1 mile (1600m)

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