Aerial Silk 50% discount & Sumo Deadlift
Those beautiful red and yellow ribbons hanging from the rafters in the East Wing are called aerial silks, and we offer Aerial Silk Classes right here, for both kids and adults! If you are a CrossFitter and want to try it out you get a 50% discount! Likewise, if you are a regular participant in the Aerial Silks Classes you get a 50% discount on your CrossFit fees.
The kids Aerial Basics classes are on Saturdays at 3PM. To learn more about it read this. To sign up click here.
Adult Aerial Basics are on Tuesdays at 5.15, and this is a four class series. To learn more about the class click here. To sign up for Adult Basics click here.
Thursday’s WOD
Sumo Deadlift – 3-3-3-3-3
NOTE: The first 3 are lightest, but should be heavier than your warm-up weight, the last 3 are the heaviest, but may not be a 3 RM.
WOD – 7 Rounds
7 Kipping Pull-ups
7 Sumo Deadlift Highpull (75/55)
7 Thrusters (75/55)
7 Pistols (alternating, do more on your weak side)
OPTIONAL Cash-out –
5 minute pike stretch + 5 minute straddle stretch + 5 min/side couch stretch
2014 01 29