6 Week Clean Cycle, Nasty Girls
This week we will kick off a 6 week cycle that focuses on the clean. We will work all aspects of the clean, and often the jerk. The work is based on your 1 Rep Max Clean, which we established last week. If you missed that, then come on in and get ‘er done! How can we know how much you’ve improved and progressed if we don’t know where you started!
We saw such a growth in confidence from the recent Spencer Arnold Squat Program, and we are excited to apply that strength in the next 6 weeks. FYI, we draw the concepts and structure of this cycle from Cal Strength, the organization behind the lifters in the posters in the West Wing. In addition, when Jose (Level II coach) completed this cycle he took his clean up 20% in that short time-frame. In essence, the system works, and all you have to do is show up!
Monday’s WOD
Nasty Girls:
3 Rounds:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Compare to 6/13/11, 10/10/11, 2/13/12, 7/30/12, 11/26/12, 5/26/13, 8/19/13, 12/2/13, 4/28/14
Optional Cash Out: 100 double unders for time
2014 09 07