Taylor, Apologies, Snatch and Snatch Balance
Our very own talented Taylor Bartolucci Di Giulio is at it again. Did you know that tough chick in the 6AM class can sing, dance, and act???? Should be On Broadway really, but for some reason we are blessed with her presence in Napa.
Taylor, of course, is the governess of these seven charming children in the upcoming Sound of Music, and I’m sure playing this part makes her yearn to start her own family…..
The Sound of Music will run APRIL 5-21, 2013 at the college. Get your tickets at http://www.napavalleytheater.org
Congrats to Taylor on her many successes!
Hey Guys,
Sorry I didn’t get the post up yesterday… Nothing sinister (despite 6am’s conjectures).
Thursday’s WOD:
Find 1rm of:
1 Hang squat snatch followed directly by
1 Snatch Balance
*Bar should come directly to back rack after snatch in order to move directly to snatch balance.
400m Run
40 Abmat Situps
40 Double Unders
200m Run
40 Abmat Situps
40 Double Unders
400m Run
2013 03 13