Let's Vote!
Vote! Vote! Vote!
Voting Day is upon us, and Wine Country CrossFit locally supports the following: NO on Z, YES on Mary Luros, YES on Scott Sedgley, and YES on Ryan Gregory if you are in the County.
In college, I read Democracy In America in which French sociologist Alexis de Tocqueville predicts that Americans will become politically apathetic. Written in the 1830’s, he claims that our liberties and freedoms will lead to a civic malaise. Let’s prove him wrong. Get out and vote!
Don Fights November 19
We are out of tickets! But you can still get yours online here. Be sure to use offer code Mohammed so you get to sit in Don’s fan section.
Grab Your Wodify Data
If you liked logging your workouts in Wodify and would like to hang on to that data, follow these steps to retrieve it. You have until November 15 to get it done.
- Log in to Wodify from a computer (www.wodify.com)
- From the Coachboard click the ‘My Performance’ tab across the top
- Along the left side of the screen you will see things like Gymnastics, Weightlifting, Metcon etc.
- Click into those different component types
- Choose the athlete from the drop down menu
- Choose ‘All Weightlifting’ or ‘All Metcons’
- Change the date range to ‘All Time’
- Click the white ‘Export’ button to export all of the results to Excel
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