Kettlebell Snatch & Met Con
If you’ve already mastered the swing, and you’ve been doing the kettlebell clean work and kettlebell press work over the past few weeks, the mechanics for the snatch are already in place. The snatch is a full explosion of hip strength combined with deep bracing in the core to drive a weight from the ground to overhead in one movement.¹ Your low back may take a lot of heat on this movement so be sure to treat yourself well and warm up that area with deadlifts and other mobility work. While doing the metcon, be mindful of your positioning at all times, you have 120 chances to perfect the movement so use them all wisely and don’t unnecessarily load your low back or settle into one hip or forget to drop under the weight with a fully extended arm.
This video talks about the clean–BUT pay attention to what Kelly is talking about with the setup specifically as it pertains to your back. By the way, you can get some great information, techniques, and strategies at the Mobility Seminar to be held HERE at Wine Country CrossFit on June 7.
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FYI, the kettlebell snatch is the summary of all the skills learned in the CrossFit Kettlebell Trainer Course.
Tuesday’s WOD
Skill: Kettlebell Snatch
Perfect the Kettlebell snatch and build to 1RM. Make sure swing fundamentals are rock solid.
4 RFT:
500m Row
30 KB Snatches (15 per side) 44/26
20 Push ups
10 Box Jumps
400m run
2015 05 18