Holiday Fun, Set 2017 Goals Now
The Christmas Nutcracker made for great holiday fun! Coaches Scott and JC put
together a fun and killer program for the morning. The class started with 15 minutes to find your new clean One Rep Max, and we saw some good numbers go up and the PR bell rung a few times! He graciously gave us a three minute rest before starting the 15 minute AMRAP that consisted of 10 burpees, 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55) and 20 double unders. We then got another 3 minutes rest before we completed the partner 10! Thruster session. Scott thought up all kinds of fun handicaps for this part, and winners even walked away with nutcrackers in hand!
Fun was had by all, and there are still some Christmas Nutcracker shirts available in the gym.
Holiday Schedule
Saturday December 24th – One 9AM Class! Don’t miss out on this fun Xmas WOD
Sunday December 25th – CLOSED
Monday December 26th – 9AM CrossFit, 4.30 & 5.30PM CrossFit
Tuesday December 27 – Friday December 30 it’s business as usual
Saturday December 31st – One 9AM Class.
Sunday January 1st, 2017 – CLOSED
More schedule questions can be answered here.
What Are Your 2017 CrossFit Goals
Life is full. Life is busy. In fact sometimes it seems downright crazy! But it makes more sense and provides a sense of purpose when we have goals. In fact goals create guidelines on path through life, and act like buoys and light houses on the dark sea. Our challenge to you now, as we close in on the end of 2016, is to declare your goals for 2017. We support you in doing that for all parts of your life; personal, professional, and athletic. We also know that building strength in the body builds confidence in life. So go ahead: Think about it. Declare it by writing it on the 2017 goal board in the gym. Here is an article on goal setting for athletes. Finally, let your Wine Country CrossFit Coaches help you get there. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are here to see you succeed.
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