Fun Fun Fun in the Open and on the Horizon
Fun Fun Fun
The CrossFit Open started off with a bang this past weekend. 16.1 was a fun community event that was enjoyed by many on Friday night and Saturday morning. The movements and scaling make the workout accessible to all, so please consider signing up to join in the FUN FUN FUN. Here’s just a sampling of our beautiful people digging deep to get ‘er done:
You might learn cool things from your coaches when they stand in front of you and give you tips and cues on how to move, but have you seen them in action? Even if you don’t want to do The Open then come on by on Friday night or Saturday morning and lend support and hoot and holler for those working hard. These are FUN events and all are invited, including long lost cousins who heard you are crazy and joined a cult! For reals, the more the merrier.
The Hor
izon Line Is Full (of Fun Fun Fun)!
These items are still a little ways off but we want you to mark your calendars now and get the signing up process out of the way so that you don’t miss out.
Jared Fleming and Outlaw Barbell are coming to Napa on April 30 & May 1st!
Want to get better with those Olympic lifts? Now’s the time to get ‘er done. Two full days of working on your fundamentals will pay dividends that will excel your CrossFit, your coordination, your strength, and your speed under the bar. Not sure who Jared Fleming is or why he matters? That’s OK. A lot of people under 40 don’t know who Mick Jaggers is, or who John Lennon was, but anyone who played music with them was made better by their presence. The same goes with Jared. That guy is an American hero in the Oly lifting world, and we are lucky to have him in Napa at our gym. Sign up here to reserve your spot now.
Cinco de Beastmode!
Cinco de Mayo for most of us Gringos is an excuse to eat tacos and down a few cervezas. But Cinco de Beastmode is now an excuse to work hard all together, and then eat the tacos and down the cervazas on the street in front of the gym. On May 5th we will cancel our 4.30 and 5.30 classes and hold one big WOD at 5PM. ALL are welcome, and the wod is scalable. Cinco de Beastmode is a fundraiser that feeds the hungry in America. The sign-up cost me $23, and there is a $15 discount through Monday night if you use the code RED during check out! Sign up here, and our team is Boxed and Barrelled.
Monday’s WOD – Leap Day
standing long jump practice and multiple bounding leaps practice (try to hop as fast as possible without waiting between jumps for the multiples practice)
3 rft
burpee broad jump 50 ft
10 thrusters (95/75)
burpee broad jump 50 ft
10 KBS (70/53)
Tuesday’s WOD – Snatch Balance & HQ WOD
snatch balance practice and 3×3 at 105-110% of 1rm snatch
For time, working on the odd minutes, and resting on the even minutes:
100 chest-to-bar pull-ups
95/65-lb. push presses, 125 reps
95/65-lb. back squats, 150 reps
Work from 0:00 to 1:00, rest from 1:00-2:00, work from 2:00-3:00, rest from 3:00-4:00, etc.
Wednesday’s WOD – Rowing Rowing Rowing
4x500m row relay ***rest as needed between rounds
deadlift (225/165)
Thursday’s WOD – Suggested Rest Day, But Hey, It’s Your Life….
12 min AMRAP
5 hang clean (135/95)
15 box jumps (24/20)
***rest 5 mins then subtract the number of rounds you got through from 50 and complete that many burpees
Friday’s WOD – Heavy Front Squats, In My Wod?!?
sled push x2 at body weight
10 185/135 FS
1 rope climb
rest 1 min
***try to do reps unbroken
2016 02 28