Flying Trapeze, Front Squats & AMRAP
Last Saturday my daughter Alessia and I went to flying trapeze school in Sonoma, and it was the most exciting thing I’ve done in years! We signed up for a two hour lesson that cost $35. We learned how to grab the bar and swing from the platform. We learned how to relax despite fear and anxiety, to follow precise instructions, and how to do a flip in the air. By the end of the 2nd hour we were even able to release the trapeze from our knees, and be caught by the instructor who swung out from another trapeze to meet us. Timing was everything, and we literally flew through the air!
I highly recommend Trapeze Pro for anyone who wants to experience the exhilaration and freedom that comes from flying through the air. The quality of instruction was impeccable, the setting stunning, and we will go back. Part of the CrossFit motto is to try new sports. This definitely qualifies!
Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
3 Push Press (185/135 Rx)
5 Ball Slams (35/25 Rx)
2011 08 16