Friday Night Lights Success & Annie
Friday Night Lights Success!
This past Friday night, the Workout consisted of Front Squats, Bar Muscle ups and a bit of running. The second Workout included Snatches and Double Unders. All completed the work in under 25 minutes. Eric Javar, Richie and I were there to cheer them on. Congrats to all who showed up and worked hard including Chris, Remi, Danny, Mayda, Jose, and Savanna. Even Garret was there representing the
100 Push Up Challenge
Last week all of you established your Max Effort Push Up, and now we start the real work. This is a 3 day a week program, and it will be included in what you do each day at the gym. But what happens if you miss a day you ask? Then do it at home! This program takes seven weeks to conclude, so we will finish it on July 17. We will do a mid-point check in on the 26th of June. Have fun and train hard, and what a great thing that you can keep at it on your summer vacation. Your shoulders are going to get tight doing all these push ups, if they aren’t already. You can mitigate that by watching this short video on proper push-up position.
Monday’s WOD
50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
2015 06 06