Enchanted Village Faire, Cleans & Sprints
A few of your coaches at Wine Country CrossFit have kids, and they attend the Stone Bridge Waldorf School. This Saturday October 4th the Stone Bridge School is hosting The Enchanted Village Faire, which is an exciting and beautiful Renaissance Faire for kids. 11AM-4PM. We hope to see you there! Carneros Elementary School, Los Carneros Avenue.
Enter through the castle gates along the rainbow path. Dodge the sleeping giant,
Go carp fishing with your little one,
Seek the wisdom of the wizard,
Eat great food, experience fun entertainment,
Purchase artisan crafts,And enjoy a great day with fun for all ages.
Saturday Oct 1, 11AM-4PM. Carneros Elementary School, Carneros Avenue. See you there!
Cleans – Find 1RM (from the floor, full squat)
Complete 5 rounds of:
5 Hang Power Cleans 185/135
Sprint 50 yards
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
2011 09 29